Felleskjøpet Agri
Since 1913 we have supported our clients through industrial revolutions.
Over 100 years of innovation and development
Since 1913 we have enabled smarter and more sustainable industrial solutions.
Our people and culture are our most important value drivers. Join us today!
Corporate governance, reports, presentations and analyst coverage
We proudly present Goodtech as a comprehensive value chain, encompassing all the diverse levels of our operations from production to board room. We transform industries and enable real-time data flow for enhanced decision making. See the illustration for more information.
ServicesChrister Osland Holvik, Principal Engineer Electro - Facility responsible O&M Hywind Tampen, Equinor
"Goodtech delivers quality and stability from early phase engineering to operations. Their system creates insight and value for Equinor on Hywind Tampen"